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YWCA USA Statement on 2022 Midterm Election

Washington, D.C.—Margaret Mitchell, CEO of YWCA USA, issued the following statement on the 2022 midterm election:

“YWCA USA is proud of the tireless work of the more than 130 local associations from coast to coast that worked to educate, register, and get out the vote as the nation decided on more than 7,000 local, state and federal elections. From our leaders in Texas, who united in calls for policies to protect, empower, and embolden women and girls — particularly women and girls of color — to Pennsylvania associations that came together to share why voting is so important; to critical public discussions in Atlanta and Charlotte; to powerful leadership out of Kalamazoo, Michigan to pass Michigan Proposal 3, a ballot initiative to provide state constitutional protection for reproductive choices, including abortion; and so many more wins for women, young people, and diverse candidates — YWCAs came together to ensure these voices — our voices — were heard.

Thanks to that hard work, and the hard work of so many others, women showed up — as they always do. Despite finding ourselves living in a voting culture in which voter suppression and disenfranchisement — particularly for women and communities of color — commands the political narrative, women remained undeterred. As we await the results that will determine the balance of power in Congress, we do know one thing; the most important policy issues for women are not foregone conclusions. The fights of the 2022 midterm elections demonstrate the need to continue holding our elected officials accountable to the people they are charged with representing.

At YWCA, we know that challenge only builds resolve. No matter who sits in which elected office, we will continue our work to listen to women, unite women, and educate our political leaders about their lived experiences and growing needs so we can continue building a nation in which women and girls thrive.”