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Giving Tuesday: Helping Women and Girls Become Equal, Powerful, & Unstoppable!

Today is Giving Tuesday, it’s a day the world has decided to give together. We’ve set a big goal for today, and hope to raise $250,000 to support women, girls, and people of color in the communities we serve across the nation. This year, our #GivingTuesday campaign theme is Give To Her or #GiveToHerTuesday, because she is equal and powerful, and your gift will help her become unstoppable!Your generous support on #GiveToHerTuesday and throughout the holiday giving season will ensure that YWCAs across the country can continue to give our communities the support they need, when they need it most. To enhance the opportunities to give, we are encouraging folks to not only donate but also, to inquire with their employers about matching gifts and volunteer opportunities, share the campaign with their networks, consider making monthly contributions, volunteer to host or donate to resource drives for their local YWCA, or through a host of other ways you can give back throughout this holiday season.All gifts we receive today and throughout the holiday giving season will help create a world where girls and women are equal, powerful, and unstoppable -- like they’ve always been. It only takes about two minutes to make a 100% tax-deductible donation to YWCA, and no amount is too small to make an impact in the lives of the women, girls, and families we serve! Your donation can provide essential items and services such as feminine hygiene products, transportation, child care, or even help a young woman go to college. This #GivingTuesday, stand with our mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, and friends across the country and make a gift today!All throughout the day, we will be uplifting the critical, lifesaving work that YWCAs across the nation are doing every day to eliminate racism and empower women. Follow @YWCAUSA on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram as we highlight success stories of girls and women we serve like Maryam from YWCA St. Paul, Bobby Jo from YWCA Cass Clay, and Makayla at YWCA Spokane who went from surviving to thriving with the resources, support, and community they found at their local YWCA. Also, be sure to share our #GiveToHerTuesday posts with your friends and family.Help women and girls everywhere to walk in their power and become unstoppable! We know you support our mission to eliminate racism and empower women. Can we count on you to help us get there before midnight tonight? Donate Now!